Upcoming AFS Chapter Meetings to Cover 21st Century Water Issues and Sintered Fiber Metal Media
Both the North Central and Southeast Chapters of the American Filtration & Separations Society are holding virtual meetings in October. The meetings are an easy way to pick up some specific and valuable knowledge from industry experts. The meetings are free for all AFS members, and just $15 for non-members.
The North Central Chapter will meet Tuesday, October 6, from 10:00 to 10:45 am central time. The topic, “Water Issues in the 21st Century,” will be presented by Peter Cartwright of Cartwright Consulting.
Critical to life on earth, water has been present in approximately the same quantity on this planet for the last several million years. Population increases, global warming and precipitation frequency/intensities are disrupting the freshwater environment, affecting both the quality and availability of the supply. It is estimated that globally, almost one-quarter of existing freshwater supplies are not sustainable without addressing significant changes in our approach to water use. This trend is predicted to markedly increase in the foreseeable future. A relatively untapped opportunity is to recover and reuse wastewater supplies which are currently directly discharged.
This short lecture addresses the role of water in our lives from the perspective of human and societal health and well-being, including pending water quantity and quality issues from overuse/misuse and the potential solutions offered by re-purposing wastewater supplies.
Peter Cartwright has been in the water and wastewater treatment industry for 43 years and has had his own consulting engineering company since 1980. He has delivered over 300 lectures and written the same number of articles on water/wastewater treatment technologies. He was the 2016 Distinguished McEllhiney Lecturer for the National Groundwater Association and is an active member of most of the water related organizations.
Register Here for the North Central Chapter October Meeting.
The Southeast Chapter will meet Thursday, October 15, from 10 to 10:45 am central time. The topic, “Sintered Fiber Metal Media Properties and Performance Comparisons,” which will be presented by Mark Willingham of Bekaert Fibre Technologies.
Bekipor® ST sintered metal fiber filter media has been used for over four decades in a variety of applications including hydraulic fluids, polymers, basic chemicals, and gasses. Willingham will give an overview of the properties and performance of Bekipor® ST sintered metal fiber media. The presentation will compare the performance of Bekipor® ST media to commonly used woven wire cloth in the areas of pressure drop, dirt holding comparison, and filtration efficiency.
Mark Willingham is North American Market Manager for Bekaert Fibre Technologies, a Belgium based manufacturer of sintered metal fiber filter media. He is former President of Filtrate Solutions and former Vice President of Sales for Purolator Advanced Filtration, a Clarcor company. He has over 30 years of experience in the area of porous metal filter products for applications in the oil and gas, chemical processing, nuclear power generation, polymer, and general industrial markets.
Willingham is past chairman of the AFS (2013-2014), an AFS Fellow, and has presented numerous technical papers on porous metal filters at AFS conferences.
Register Here for the Southeast Chapter October Meeting.
Contact Lyn Sholl at [email protected] if you have registration questions.