Next AFS SW Chapter Meeting: Molecular Separators for Promoting Process Separations in Industrial Applications
The July meeting of the Southwest Chapter of the American Filtration & Separations Society was held Tuesday, July 14. The speaker was Dr. David Engel of NexoSolutions, who presented on Molecular Separators for Promoting Process Separations in Industrial Applications.
There are a number of different methods for enabling process separations. Depending on the technical and economic objectives at each facility, the method selection may differ. Possible avenues or process separations can vary from mechanical devices to thermal means, and also chemically induced. This presentation discusses certain aspects related to the use of “molecular engineering” to promote or enhance the separation process of solids from liquids and liquid from liquids.
Dr. David Engel, NexoSolutions, has more than 20 years of industrial experience in a variety of areas of chemical engineering and chemistry. David is the inventor in 21 United States Invention Patents and author of over 90 technical papers and conferences. He has worked in several capacities for companies such as Eastman Kodak Company, Eli Lilly and General Electric. David has specialized in materials chemistry, process optimization and new technology development. He is the Managing Director of NexoSolutions and Board of Directors at Exion Systems. He holds a B.S. in Industrial Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. David is currently a committee member on the AFS Southwest Region, committee member for the GPA Technical Section M and member of the advisory boards of Gas Processing & LNG Magazine, and International Refining and Petrochemical Conference.